Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Detour (2016)

The first scene in "Detour" sort of reminded me of "Drive" + I discovered Alison Goldfrapp as background voice (or at least the intro song got me...). The rest was so & so. We have an indie movie, where the action revolves around 3 characters - Harper is a law student coming from an upper-class family who hates his stepfather accusing him of putting his mother in a coma following an accident, Johnny is the typical no-good punk in the local neighborhood with debts to more important punks, and Cherry is a dancer in a bar - Johnny's girl and one of the ways he's rounding his income. Well, after the first two intersect at a whisky bottle and decide what should happen to the evil stepfather - opportunity for Johnny to make some cash, all this trio gets in a road trip to Vegas where the presumable victim should be located. Now, one of the issues of the movie is that's way too predictable, and since (obviously...) I don't have time to write much I'll stop here with the story. What's left to be said - the production varies from surprisingly well done scenes (yet again, it reminded me of the editing in "Drive" + we get some neo-noir references to an old noir from 1945 having the same name I guess) to parts where it shows that's an indie = the acting and directing have some flaws here and there. The major issue is, however, a subjective one - I don't like the ending. And more, you can foresee what's revealed in the final "twist" way, way ahead, so when it's delivered, but doesn't move further the feeling is of a loose ending. I can appreciate though the scene inserted after a couple credits roll :) brings a comic relief that feels needed and fits especially since it's missing completely through the rest of the movie... no spoilers...

Rating: 3 out of 5

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