Sunday, July 17, 2022

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

I guess that my subconscious related the words in the title - "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" - with some recent episodes I got through in the local medical system, without any connection with the movie, but making me to choose this as a subject. Because I actually don't have much to write about it...

The first "Doctor Strange" was slightly different than the rest of the Marvel universe, reason for I decided to give a chance to the sequel too. Even though the reviews are not stellar. And indeed it's not on par with the initial movie, but I think it's still a bit above the level where the Marvel fan armies set the production compared to others. The subject is a bit messy, keeping the spirit of the title, in a minimalistic description revolving around a good wizard battling an evil witch through various universes within the multiverse. I'm really not in the mood to provide more details for what is nothing more than a children's fairy tale.

The main criticism the movie received, from what I heard, targeted the direction of Sam Raimi. About that, even the story is not the best, I can say I felt somehow pleased that finally somebody had the guts to leave some of his own touch to distract a bit the attention from a Marvel multiverse filled with cliche. It's probably not visible to most of today's audience, but for who intersected a bit with Sam Raimi's older movies, not that much the initial Spider-Man trilogy but others like "Evil Dead" or the '90s series of Hercule and Xene, you can feel here a bit of the slightly dark humour from back then, as well as a characteristic "chaos" that provides a nostalgic charm. Three minutes of Bruce Campbell as a pizza salesman is just an example. For these crumbles I'm gonna give it a...

Rating: 3.5 out of 5