Sunday, May 31, 2020

Summer-Fall 2020 Movie Preview - Part 1

I have the feel that what I'm doing now is like opening a shop of winter coats in the middle of Sahara, with an ad-sign near writing: "There will be a next ice age!". But after all, the nights are cold in the desert, so... keeping the analogy (probably totally inappropriate), maybe we'll have some movie releases this year, no matter if in cinema or directly on streaming. There are finished productions after all, even though there's nothing certain about their premiere date. Anyway, I decided to stick with my usual timing for these entries set at the calendar of seasons change. After all, I'm doing this as a short entry since quite some time with just 3 titles. But let's see if we find that many in what's left for this summer...

Disney seems to be decided to keep the release date for "Artemis Fowl" in June, using its own streaming platform. We'll see how fast will it move beyond that. About the movie... not even "Harry Potter" was on my favorites list, so even less the bunch of replicas in the same area of fantasy coming in a wave started more than 15 years ago. There are exceptions, but just a few, and I doubt "Artemis Fowl" will get there. But it's also about taste. I prefer the "classic" genre of fantasy = LoTR, Merlin, Stardust... anyway, again, we don't have many options for this summer.

However, in July - not postponed yet, we have "Tenet", one of the most expected movies of this year. Christopher Nolan returns to SciFi, and even more, to time travel/parallel universes. For me, but again it's a matter of taste + some personal obsessions ;), it's enough to have a good movie in this area to save a couple months with no titles.

In August the number of movies that didn't have their release date postponed rises, or better said, the movies that had their date postponed for August. We have "Wonder Woman 1984", "The New Mutants" and "Antebellum" as main titles. Since I'm not really into movies, X-Men and any derived stuff is pretty much the same, let's stick with the last one. There's not much in the trailer, but among the rest we have a hint here too of a time travel story. Now... nobody says that a release date can't be postponed twice, but let's be optimistiv.

Ok, so for the Summer months we managed to find something. Let's see how we can deal with the Fall.. next time ;)

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