Sunday, September 22, 2019

Prospect (2018)

I intended to go watch "Ad Astra" in cinema this weekend, but I didn't find time for it, so I turned to another SciFi that I found easier to get to = "Prospect". Not that bad, just that I'm not sure the SciFi tag is fit for it...

Somewhere in the future, on a far away planet with a toxic atmosphere, a guy and his daughter try a "prospecting" operation (to quote the title), more precisely the harvesting of some sort of gems grown by an indigenous plant. Something like the production of pearls, just with an extra acid ingredient thrown in to make the operation highly difficult. Up to this point, yes, we have a SciFi. Further, we find out that the prospectors are not alone searching for a fortune on the planet, and (light spoiler) the wish of getting rich fast doesn't bring a good end to the guy. Even more, the shuttle for leaving breaks, the oxygen filters run off, and the girl left alone is sort of forced to team up to escape with a rival prospector. Well, we're already at half the movie :) So let's leave the rest to be seen...

As I was telling, although thinking back now there are actually quite a few SciFi elements in it, the feeling you have at the end it's a of sort of action/thriller that could as well take place somewhere in the Amazonian jungle. The story is pretty simple and linear, but somehow the movie doesn't bore. There's some gun with one shot and obviously you need more, there's some oxygen filter running out, there's some need for an ointment for infected wounds, there's some indigenous settler with hidden intentions, there's some other mercs looking for fortune. In brief, there's sort of a ride of one hour and a half in a totally unfriendly environment, with small, but not big surprises. Which is still catchy :)...

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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