Friday, May 11, 2018

In a World... (2013)

This is a short one... Not the movie, the review. "In a World..." is way too long. I was in the mood for a comedy around two weeks ago (rare occasion) and from what I had on my list seemed to be the most exotic/interesting option (= one out of the standard genre of light romances). The synopsis would be something like: a "voice coach" stumbles on some significant difficulties in her career when she decides to enter the shady business of... trailer voice-overs. Unfortunately, as "original" the subject might sound, the movie is not very different from a bland Woody Allen clone. The first part is so boring that gets you tired. It gets a bit better towards the ending, ironically... mostly due to some light romances. Probably would actually work as a sleeping pill if it wouldn't be for the better ending... Like this, again, ironically, it also loses this "quality".

Rating: 2 out of 5

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