Saturday, December 30, 2017

Wind River (2017)

From the first scene "Wind River" reminded me of "Winter's Bone". We have the same harsh reality, isolated location, a community at the edge of poverty, lack of police, uncontrolled crime. The similarities stop here. The story is different. In "Wind River" everything starts with the corpse of an 18 years old girl, with rape marks, found frozen at several miles distance from any residence, in the middle of an Indian reservation from Wyoming. The body is discovered by a local hunter, who alerts the local chief of police, who asks the presence of FBI for investigating the case. Tha follows is a drama with crime thriller accents (not the opposite, as it might look like). We have a much stronger accent set on the geographical-social context, starting with a snow storm up to the specific community customs. The crime/thriller part is relatively linear, unlike for instance "Winter's Bone". To make another comparison, Taylor Sheridan who directed and wrote "Hell or High Water" does the same here, and you can feel the same touch, every detail in the whole story/setting being carefully taken care of. To conclude: if you want a mystery story it's probably not the best option, but as a composition movie it's highly recommended.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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