Sunday, December 20, 2015

Winter-Spring 2015-2016 Movie Preview Part 1

Yup, I know it's nearly the end of December, but better late than never. So let's see what we have this winter in cinemas. Starting with the already released "Star Wars". Not seen yet, and I must say that I don't have ultra-high expectations ... We'll see ...

"Youth" is not actually released this month, but this month it got the big prize on the European Film Awards. A co-production directed by Paolo Sorentino, which looks as a must see (at least if you liked "Il Divo" and "La Grande Bellezza"):

I don't trust much what I see in the "Point Break" remake trailer (plus it sort of reminds me how much older I am compared to when the original was released... OMG...), but I don't have any other option for this end of month ...

January starts with "The Hateful Eight" the 8th movie by Tarantino. Apparently more confined in terms of action space than the previous two, it somehow makes me think on "Ten Little Indians" by Agatha Christie. Let's see what we'll have there ...

"The Revenant" by Inarritu reminds me a bit of Gibson's "Apocalypto". Probably with comparable more chances on the Oscars though ...

"Synchronicity" seems to be a low budget indie. Since I love the subject, I said whatever, let's add it to the list. Maybe it's not bad after all.

In February we have... "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". Oh yeah... Well, if Abraham Lincoln hunted vampires (and actually the movie was ok), why not? Let's keep an open mind :P

We didn't get rid of super-heroes... Marvel gets out a new one: "Deadpool". Hmmm.. maybe we should give it a chance, maybe not, maybe yes, maybe..

To wrap up with more serious stuff, Jean-Jacques Annaud returns in Asia with "Wolf Totem". Considering that since "7 Years in Tibet" I didn't see anything to be indeed interesting from this guy, this one got my attention.

That's it for the winter. I hope I'll be back sooner with Part 2.

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