Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Self/less (2015)

When I've found out about the subject of "Self/less" I thought that finally I'll get to see a clever SciFi, on a very particular niche whose potential was almost destroyed by last year's "Transcendence". When I've noticed the directing by Tarsem Singh ("Mirror, Mirror", "The Immortals") I understood why the movie ratings predict again an even worse failure. When, unfortunately, I've watched the trailer I got convinced that the movie doesn't have anything left to offer me. Despite all these ... I said let's give it a try. It wasn't such a bad idea.

"Mind uploading" - that's the subject in two words. Meaning mental transfer. Not only on computer as in the classical definition used in "Transcendence", but from human host to human host. I think the biggest drawback this movie has is the trailer, which gives almost all the story, so it doesn't make much sense to write more about what's going on. I'm convinced that if it would've left a bit more to discover from the story, the reviews would've been different. Especially when you don't have a flawless script ...

The acting is ok. In particular Matthew Goode who's playing a bad guy role that reminded me of "Stoker". He's not as good as there, but gets close. There are some other moments to mention, like the irony in "the final showdown" scene, but overall the film suffers badly. Of what I was afraid = Tarsem Singh's directing, who doesn't seem to know clearly if he wants to deliver a Hollywood style action movie, or to infuse more substance into it. Unfortunately, when it seems to catch a bit more on the life philosophy & stuff part, Bamm!, it either hits you with a gun, or a flamethrower, or whatever else. I don't have anything against action in a SciFi that wants also to gain some depth. There are numerous examples, from "Minority Report", up to even "Terminator". Here, however, I felt that the action stuff breaks the story. At least if I didn't know what's coming from the trailer ...

Conclusion: ok idea, major problems in implementing it. It deserves the time spent watching, if you're interested in the theme, and in the end it's decent enough to give some food for thought. However, if you want more as a movie, although the subject differs, try "Source Code" or even "Limitless". In essence, the idea is still "another life". Just the way to get there differs ;) ...

Rating: 3 out of 5

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