Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Kajillionaire (2020)


"Kajillionaire" is the American version of a theme recently used in a couple other movies too, less candid than a Japanese version we have in "Shoplifters", but also less cynical than the Korean "Parasite".

As in the above references, here the subject is revolving around a dysfunctional family of crooks, a bit smaller though, formed only of the parents and a daughter being raised deprived of feelings, specially trained for a career in this "line of work". She's actually the main character of the movie, getting through a conversion towards humanity after the three intersect with a future fourth group member, a seller in an lenses shop, bored of her usual daily life.

As well as the two above, "Kajillionaire" sits somewhere between a drama and a dark comedy (not so dark though). It's the perfect example of a movie built out of moments - lots of short sequences that can be drawn out of context - from an owner with a mental condition that doesn't allow him to kick out his late paying tenants, to a simple chat with a clerk at a lost luggage desk for who a 6 weeks period for insurance collection seems quick. I can't say there's any such moment that's truly memorable. However, it's the type of a movie that leaves you a warm feeling after end credits, definitely closer to "Shoplifters" in respect to that ;)

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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