Sunday, March 3, 2019

Shoplifters (2018)

There are many shades of right and wrong... That's "Shoplifters" in 8 words. And it's hard to describe it in more. I always found Cannes winners too pretentious for their real value and I keep saying that I'm fed up with social drama on the big screen, because you already have enough in everyday life. Well, now I'm gonna contradict myself, but that's probably the exception that strengthens the rule.

A rather colorful group of 5 people, of different ages, without any clear family connections between them but referring to each other as so, are getting through the days mostly of shoplifting, crammed together in some tiny house in Japan. Yup, not really the typical image of a country with a superior HDI where milk and honey's pouring for everybody. One night the group gets an extra member, a girl of 5 years old, picked up from a balcony, where she was often locked and left unfed by her not very responsible mother. Apparently the child doesn't want to return to her natural parents, finding more warmth in the new family. What follows is a pretty dense character study of each of the group's members, and the action evolves in a way, which, as usual, I'd rather not divulge...

...but still, allow me a spoiler, this is not a happy movie. However, it's a very warm one. Quite bitter, but warm. As I said, it's quite complicated to describe it more, or I can't find the words this time. The only thing I've to say more is that it seems that in Japan too the baby teeth are thrown over the house :)

Rating: 4 out of 5

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