I've chosen this poster with a purpose. Two reasons: 1. it's pretty much as .. "dry" as the movie 2. the other main version has upfront exactly the "weakest link" from all the cast. And the cast is in my opinion one of the few reasons for which "A Dangerous Method" doesn't sink into mediocrity ...
I won't spend time telling stories, describing a subject that it's pretty loose. Not that I expected more consistency, and not that this would be a problem - the movie is an adaptation after a book describing a short period (probably keeping a strong element of fiction, I don't really know ...) from the lives of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Or better said the moments when these intersected .. the intersection "point" being a female patient, future disciple, and who is the reference on item 2. above, being interpreted by Keira Knightley .. well, not exactly lame, but far far from something credible. Fortunately, as I was saying we still have the rest of the cast where Michael Fassbender (Jung) and Viggo Mortensen (Freud) deal well enough with their parts to save the movie. I could even mention Vincent Cassel on this actually, with a very short role, because much else to say on the positive side ...
Well .. there is the soundtrack by Howard Shore that can be felt as positive, probably because (except for the actors) you won't feel much else. As I said in the beginning, the movie is "dry". For who has seen something by David Cronenberg (especially the newest productions - "Eastern Promises", "A History of Violence") probably can recognize the same sensation of .. how to say this .. well, again, dry mixed with slow and with an action thread (or subthreads) that either is left somewhere "in limbo", either is cut and patched again after. The difference here is this sensation is kept for pretty much of the movie length. Pretty much from the beginning to the end. I don't know, maybe I wasn't in a good day for a Cronenberg move. Besides this, his stuff is not exactly mainstream = you have to like him, and even then it's not guaranteed that you'll digest everything (same as for others like Lynch, Almodovar, etc). Still, in what I'm concerned, especially for the last period of his directorial activity, I wasn't very dissapointed. From the older productions I don't think I have anything good to say besides "eXistenZ" and "Dead Zone", the rest for me were a bit too disgusting. Especially for this, I would have never thought, considering how "A Dangerous Method" was, that I would get to the point to be tempted to say that maybe a bit more violence, blood, etc ... is recommended .. because the "philosophical" part might be there, but is not that deep to put your brain at work and keep your eyes on the screen.
Rating: 3 out of 5 .. with generosity ..
(.. "big spoiler": because the movie still somehow managed not to bore me completely = it's the type that it seems like telling you permanently that smth will happen soon but it never does)
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