I have the luck from time to time to find a movie that fits perfectly to my mood when I see it .. because if I would watch it at another moment, I won't probably be very impressed. That's what happened with "Chocolat" when I've seen for the first time. And the second ... And even the third (yes, somehow I managed to watch that movie at least three times). But before "Chocolat" was "Babette's Feast". It's a Danish production, quite old, with a pretty similar idea, on a much smaller budget, probably slower and more boring, but which actually fit the moment for me as I was saying above. I'm quite sure that seeing it another time in another place there would have been chances to stop watching before half of it. Well .. I started with a pretty long intro, and not very close to the subject, mostly because it's a bit hard for me to write about this movie due to some reasons exposed below.
Who knows me a bit better, probably never heard me talking (in depth) about religion, faith, etc. The reason - in my opinion is a personal matter, as in your own, yours only & only for you. at least in case you're not a priest, Rabi, you want to establish a sect, etc, and opening your mouth about the subject falls in your job specs. If it's not the case, your own beliefs are your own problem, and that's that. I already wrote more than enough to get to the point I want to. And that is that this movie is probably not recommended for some categories of viewers: on one hand the Christian fanatics (I'm sorry for the term, but there exist) might consider it a mockery up to a point that it's quite advanced in the timeline, but if they resist up to the end anyway, they would probably be satisfied enough by the outcome to start the next day to share Bibles in the neighborhood instead of posting in IMDb boards entitled "Anti Christian movie" (that's a quote from what you find on the "Chocolat" page by the way); on the other hand I won't recommend the movie neither to who's a convince atheist, because these ones probably would be satisfied by the movie from the start to the end and begin extracting scenes to post on fb, their own blog, wherever under a title like "How to Control the Masses. There is no God. Let's get a beer.". Maybe I'm a bit to radical, but but what's above is about extremes. If I think a bit, I guess that, as incredible it may seem after you've seen the movie, a Muslim, Budhist, etc, probably would watch it more detached and would be able to see more clearly the main idea transmitted (however, it would probably be the same thing, if the movie would quote from Quran instead the Bible). Oh .. I almost forgot, there is another group of viewers that maybe will disapprove with what they'll see: hardcore vegans, although here I want to believe (assuming they're not in any of the above categories) that there are enough sufficiently open minded to get the message behind the subject. Because the subject is ...
... a dinner. Yeah, well, this is the climac of the movie - a dinner. I know that I said a lot up to here and also nothing, but I still don't want to disclose more. I already referred to "Chocolat". What's here is not far away from that, and in "Chocolat" you don't really have an action thread long enough to start describing, so the same applies here. What I can say, in this case, is to be patient and to pay attention to details (there is minor stuff, but somewhere it gets some meaning, more or less explicitly - ex: think why he sent her to them .. is cryptic, I know :) but considering that the movie might look quite boring in the first part I hope I might raise some interest).
I hope I didn't offend anybody with what I wrote above. Anyway, if I did, it should be pretty much everybody :)), just to make sure that I get rid of all the viewers (from the "ton" I have). Once again I have to say that the "guilty" paragraph targets the groups with extreme views. Incredibly but true, there is a middle path (yes, in the middle) or at least a bit more moderate. But I'm already starting to do what I said I'm not doing ... So, I'll wrap up. Before that ... if I enumerated the potential watchers that should avoid the movie, maybe it will be better to actually recommend it to somebody too. If you ever wanted in your life to accomplish anything, but the faith, luck, kismet, etc weren't too kind to you and sent you on a different path, see this. You won't regret it (well .. it's recommended anyway to not be chronically depressive :))) I forgot this group).
Rating: 4 out of 5
To still keep the action, the minimum that it is, not spoiled, I preferred what's below, although I'm not sure I can call that a trailer. However, a search on YouTube will lead you quite quick to a clip presenting a 3 minutes review from an NY Times critic. The problem is that after you might not have the patience to see the movie (although it doesn't give you exactly the main stuff), but for who wants more info can look for it.
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