Friday, November 12, 2021

14 - Dune (less) & Chasing Rabbits (more)

I took a break from blogging a month or so ago, and the motivation from my last entry is still valid. However... I never left a year from the "origins" of this without an anniversary entry, so I told myself I could force a short one. The problem is that I don't have a movie subject for year 14.

Normally, for this kind of entry, I would've looked for some production that I could recommend with all my heart (not that I could find that every year until now). So, it crossed my mind to write about "Dune" - Villeneuve version 2021, but I'm not in the right mood for that, and I can't really recommend it with all my heart. One phrase is enough: as visual experience (ignoring the 3D) and audio one too is superb and it really deserves watching it, and fortunately that covers well the less positive trends you can sense in Hollywood lately, although these might still be visible to somebody who's not at the first experience with the "Dune" universe, but I'm really not in the mood to talk about that. Done, subject checked. What about the rabbits...

Since my first year of blogging (the Romanian version) I've had a series of entries tagged as "chasing rabbits", where I allowed myself some off-topic writing once per year. And, as a series, I usually had a connection between the current entry and the previous. There's been a while since I wrote one, and I almost forgot about these. But not completely. So, I did something that really dislike, to read my old blog posts, just to see where I left my "chase". In the last one from 2017 (didn't have the patience to move even more back than that) I was rambling about my time machine obsession. Surprisingly, even though I was more naive back than, my thoughts about this didn't fundamentally change. Maybe just that the random stuff in life is not always so random. The idea to fix the issue by moving back still stands, but because we don't have yet a more concrete solution for time travel maybe we can use the "classic" simulation = reset the context now and restart. In other words sometimes you can try to be the rabbit, if you want to catch the rabbit. Eh, cheap philosophy :)...

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