Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Parasite (2019

"You know what kind of plan never fails? No plan. You know why? If you make a plan, life never works out that way." That's the approximate translation for what could be "Parasite"'s tagline. I agree with the first answer. That's an axiom, not much to contradict there. I don't agree though with the second. And in the end the movie seems to agree with me ;) (at least indirectly.

An unemployed family in South Korea finds a way to move into the life of an "upper class" family - or to put it more directly: a family that has money. One by one, each of the poor family's members finds a job at the residence of the wealthy, job that's made available with the support of the previous employee: a private English teacher, a combo of a private art theacher + a children psychologist, a driver and a housekeeping lady. The small problem - each employee comes with fake recommendation and identity, and except the first of them the open position for the next to be hired is vacated through highly unorthodox means. Only that, as usual, karma fights back, and when each member of the family got a well paid job, there's a big surprise to show up.

And being a surprise let's not spoil it ;) I found already space left for more, although half the movie is built on this suprise, but there's still something missing. Or some of the development moves to quickly to properly conclude. There are also some other aspects that seemed a bit improper. Light spoiler: the script wants somehow to empathize with the four crooks, at least in the last part this being obvious, the characters being given some sort of positive aura. But comparing this with "Shoplifters", the Asian brother with a Cannes trophy, if there this approach worked, here it seemed a bit hard to movie over the first half. Despite my personal opinion that people can change, this wasn't very obvious here, so... Conclusion: I almost always found overrated the Cannes winning movies, and the exception that confirms the rule = "Shoplifters" passed. There are still many positive facts: the typical Korean dark humor, the attempt to shock, the actors, the score, etc. So it's a good movie, but not a very good one ;)

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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