Sunday, March 17, 2019

Meek's Cutoff (2010)

It seems that my attempts to find a good movie are as successful as the search for water in "Meek's Cutoff". That's pretty much the story here. We have a western (with an outrageously high rating both on RT as well as on Metacritic), where three families of colonists, with three wagons strive to get to California sometime around the mid of the 19th century. And they're getting out of water. With a tracker who seems lost in space (literally), whose name in the movie title is not really justified, and an Indian they're finding on their way, who they can't really decide either to lynch or to promote as water guide. Where the logic for the second option starts fading when two-three more days pass by and the H2O reserves move close to zero. And we start wondering what super-powers the Indians had in the 19th century to resist thirst for so long. Because, if we do some simple math, if the guy was solo wandering in the desert so far from a river... Well, the screenwriter probably had more deep stuff to take care of. So deep, that it gets lost along the movie ending, which is cut abruptly when the first tree shows up in their path. Probably around Area 51, if we're anyway getting close to that place...

Rating: 2 out of 5

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