Monday, February 11, 2019

The Endless (2017)

No subject. I'll finish with "The Endless" in inverse proportional time with what the title means. Actually... if I'm thinking on it, this might mean an "endless" in the opposite direction... depends on how convoluted is your reasoning - let's simplify: I'll finish quick.

What we have here is an attempt to a SciFi with social and psychological implications, meaning of life, etc. In brief: two brothers who ran out from Camp Arcadia = "a UFO death cult" to quote a tagline, decide to pay a visit after some years to the respective community. Which they find much more open and friendly that what that tagline was saying, and where the bio tomatoes in the daily salad seem to have a magic effect - nobody looks changed. Until they decide to leave or to stay, we figure out that what we have there is a sort of twilight zone where some temporal loops, geographically set one near the other, keep their inhabitants trapped. Except the two...

If some other time I was saying that you'll find out more in the movie, now it's not really the case. Although there are some valid ideas there, overall is too cryptic to get a decent story out of it. Add on top of that a very small budget, which wouldn't be a problem unless it would be so obvious. The only part that maybe is above average is the slight tendency towards horror - you keep feeling that it's transforming into something like that, but it doesn't get there - which maintains a certain tension that fits with the whole context. What's less appropriate is the lack of tension relief... Wow, I'm already moving towards the opposite direction "endless". Too much. Let's stop.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5

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