Monday, August 1, 2016

Jason Bourne (2016)

"Jason Bourne" returns as the fifth episode in the series, after "Bourne Legacy" where we had the impression that Bourne is done (that's why it was called "Legacy"). Well, he's back. And as long as you forgot the first three movies this one works. Because otherwise I assume you would need to fill up many continuity holes. So, as a stand alone movie (well, including the references to the past) is a decent spy thriller. In brief, the "self-exiled" Bourne finds out that his own family history and its CIA connections include a bit more than what he knew. So, we end up with a personal vendetta mixed with an inner political intrigue + a consistent reference to lack of privacy in online social media. Of course we're getting a share of exaggerations and shallow scenes, but overall it's fine. Even on the technical side :) (I was complaining about the kinetic camera badly used last time .. well, here we have the counterexample).

Rating: 3 out of 5

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