Sunday, May 29, 2016

Il Racconto dei Racconti (2015)

Recyclin' recyclin' ... again I'm writing my weekly entry before an early flight in a couple hours, so indulge me being short with something picked from my degrading brain memory cells, not the oldest ones, but still enough to not remember everything ... A reason is that "Il Racconto dei Racconti" = "Tale of Tales" as international title is a mix. The way it develops first made me think on "Cloud Atlas". Strictly for switching the focus from one story to another, not the whole thing (different times, etc). More precise we have three stories going on in parallel. Where story = an actual fairytale. What connects them is probably just the human selfishness analyzed through three different perspective by looking at the fate of three city rulers, each of them advancing towards a more/less bitter end. The stories shock sometimes. I realized again actually how atrocious the fairy tales for children can be, and the interesting fact that you don't realize that when you're a kid.

There's no happy end here ... Although it might look like in one of them. In any case: - not recommended for sweet dreams :)

Rating: 3 out of 5

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