Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Zootopia (2016)

"Zootopia" is a breath of fresh air in the Disney world. Something that somehow manages to keep the limits on the moral side of the story without losing it into excess tear buckets. Besides that, it has a story. It really does ...

We have an anthropomorphic universe where animals (human race excluded) got to a level of civilization where they leave in peace in harmony. Liberte, egalite, fraternite ... or not. At least that's what Judy Hops finds out fast, as the first bunny in history to get an officer position in the town's police department. It's not a spoiler to say that all ends well and the principles of the French Revolution seem restored. Would be a spoiler though to tell how that happens. It's a police story that combines in a very interesting way a mystery and noir movie nuance with the humor and warmth of specific to an animation.

The movie has a very solid script - surprisingly for an animation where normally this is relatively light. We have a background story in the intro, there is a main story that's pretty self contained and wrapped up, and beyond that there comes a twist + a final part which develops after the apparent initial conclusion. It's really nice that the trailer doesn't say anything and keeps room for a surprise :), and all what's left for me to say is don't trust the ... :P watch the movie to see who ;)

Rating: 4 out of 5

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