Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oscar 2012 - Film Editing

There is said that at the Oscars the award for film editing announced the final one for best movie. I have no idea where I heard that, and I don't really believe it (a clear example: last year wasn't like this .. and still .. this year sounds more plausible). But let's check out the nominees ...

"The Artist" is I guess the best placed here. First, it's something different from the rest because the cuts in the scenes for the written inserts is something you see only in a silent movie. To that add also the air of the '20s at the way the scenes flow under your eyes. More exactly .. the line of the story in this movie is unrolled especially through the editing, not having any lines and it's something sufficiently well done so you won't feel the need for any dialogue (= short scenes + fast switching between frames). And to add something more (well .. let's say so) with one exception I'm pretty disappointed by the rest of the nominees here, so I don't see much competition.

I wrote about "The Descendants" last month. I don't remember saying anything about the editing. That's because, like the rest of the more technical aspects (having as exception the score & sound) is not that obvious. The only scene that stuck into my head (and that's also probably the reason why there is a clip with it + they included in the trailer) in which you can "feel" a bit the effect of what the editing does is obviously an alert one.

I liked the editing in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". It's sufficiently "helpful" for keeping the cold air and in the same time tensed that the movie has. And for looks a bit above what the same team (Angus Wall & Kirk Baxter) managed to do last year when they got the Oscar for "The Social Network". If I should choose according to my liking a movie from here it would be pretty hard to decide between this one and "The Artist". Dar obiectiv vorbind parca as merge pe varianta muta ;)

"Hugo" has as editor the all-time movie collaborator of Scorsese and a recognized name in this area: Thelma Schoonmaker. And this should mean two things: 1. there are clearly chances for an Oscar 2. if we look at the films the nominee has in her CV starting from before "Raging Bull" (as a sole example) and we make a comparison ... the chances here are mostly due inertia. But still "The Artist" has more.

Finally we have "Moneyball". Where I see no reason to be here besides filling the number of five nominees. I didn't even found (again ... after "the sound" entry) a clip to be very appropriate ...

Next time = very soon, something more interesting considering this year's nominees -> cinematography ;)

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