Sunday, February 3, 2019

Vice (2018)

"Vice" is written and directed by Adam McKay, who three years ago did the same thing in "The Big Short", has at least two actors from "The Big Short", has a subject as real as in "The Big Short", it's worked in pretty much the same manner as "The Big Short", and has a happy ending as positive as in "The Big Short", so there's not much left to say.

Rating: ..

Well, not yet :) But I couldn't help it. You'll get it when you'll see the movie ;) The truth is that I don't have much left to say, and what's above is valid. It's a sort of biopic of Dick Cheney, former VP in the Bush administration, brought to screen without his support or consent. So, mostly based on common knowledge, packing enough satire - within the limits you could have that in the context of the latest Irak war. Somehow unexpectedly, the movie, in its depth, is not completely one-sided. Although the story might seem clear, there's a fine dose of objectivity that should be appreciated, suggesting that in the end life is not black & white, but very, very, very gray... - more or less between the lines there's an idea suggesting that from someone's perspective, his own actions might seem fair, which puts a question mark over a guilt on coming not of bad intentions but out of sheer incompetence. Which is not the same. But let's take a break on philosophy...

Moving back to "The Big Short" :)... As it was there, here the editing is also exceptional, and practically that's what makes the whole movie. Obviously it won't work without the way the script is structured. Probably it's the best approache for a subject of this type - you're somewhere between a drama and a comedy, "dramatically" alternating between both. On the other hand, the result seemed a bit better in "The Big Short" - but maybe it's the subject, which has more "movie potential" there :) I'd really like to see an adaptation brought to screen by the same team for "Flash Boys" (same book author as "The Big Short" - the story behind high-frequency trading ~10-15 years ago)... but I doubt there are chances for that to happen soon, although I heard some rumors. Maybe the subject is yet too hot :P...

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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