Monday, December 10, 2018

Winter-Spring 2018-2019 Movie Preview (the brief version) - Part 1

Never say you're done until you're really done... or to put it differently, don't brag that you managed writing something weekly as long as you're not sure that you won't break a leg until the year ends. That being the reason why the traditional Winter start entry is in brief version for this time. Not that I'm writing with my legs (well, maybe only figuratively speaking), but this activity is not the most comfortable since half a month already. So, we have a strict selection of only one piece incoming title per month...

Since December is as typically filled with a density of blockbusters that makes it look like a Summer month, it's hard to find anything else. And from what we have here the best option seemed to be "Aquaman". Even though DC movies tend lately to copy too much the Marvel stuff, maybe we still have a chance. Or maybe's the fault of Amber Heard as a redhead that I stopped here...

In January "The Cube" meets "Saw" in "Escape Room". Or at least this is how it looks like in the trailer. With a "Weeds" "from a different movie". Little boxes...

In February I preferred to ignore the sequel to "How to Train Your Dragon" in favor of the sequel to "The Lego Movie". Despite that "Lego: Batman" wasn't as good as the original, the trend is still more optimistic there compared to the bottomless pit where the second episode with Toothless dived in from high skies.

That's all for today. Long breaks heal legs (they say... or at least remove swellings). So back to horizontal now. Spring months, next time (hopefully).

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