Sunday, April 15, 2018

Operation Avalanche (2016)

The short version: there's a conspiracy theory saying there was no Moon landing in 1969, and the footage from that day was made in studio. The long version: "Operation Avalanche". Well, extended only for Apollo 11 - nobody seems to care about the rest of Moon landings. This movie is a thriller presenting a version where some new young and ambitious CIA agents put together from scratch everythng, the script, the film, even the phrase with the small step and the giant leap. It's a "found footage" indie movie, which can be praised for the context authenticity. Everything is re-created perfectly, from production design - location, cars, etc to the camera work and sound - you're effectively transported in time more than 45 years back from now. The director is also the main lead, stealing the screen (which is not necessarily fine = there's actually too much screen time for one character), by playing a young agent for who all this operation gets to more like a personal project than work. Overall it was interesting, but I'm still not convinced by this theory. About the first film, if it is real, if it's not, may be debatable - but about getting on the Moon ... why would you release more movies, up to '72? If you publish a fake, I doubt you'll risk revealing it by repeating the thing for about 4 more years. Maybe a better "conspiracy theory" would be what was found in '72 there to stay away since then...

Rating: 3 out of 5

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