Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Star Trek: Beyond (2016) ... and beyond ST Beyond

There's not much to be said about "Star Trek: Beyond" ... not much of good. Even the poster is bad. There's been quite some time since I've been so disappointed by a Star Trek. Question: What do you do if you need to write a story for a Star Trek and you don't have an idea? Answer: Recycling. What's making this worse than normal is doing it so poorly right after the previous movie where we've seen an original and stylish re-inventing of a classic villain (Khan). What we have in "Beyond" is more or less the original background of Khan (well .. somehow they managed not using it in the previous movie), attached to a different villain in what turns in the end to be a simple shallow revenge story ...

In the intro we have Enterprise crashing in pieces on a far away planet as result of an attack from an apparently unknown race, lead by a guy with typical "evil alien" looks who wants a weapon incidentally present on board of the ship. The context: long ago another Federation ship got wrecked on the same lost planet, that remained lost for a while, sufficiently enough that the captain to develop a mutation extending his life as well as his revenge wish for being forgotten. Spoiler: who's the "evil alien"? ... if it's not obvious, you'll probably get it early when you see the old shipwreck for the first time in the movie. However, there's a bunch of other stuff hard to get. Not because they're not so obvious, but because they don't make any sense ... Starting with why the guy didn't leave the planet, considering he's in command of an entire army capable at least to reach the nearest inhabited outpost (his target in the movie actually) ... And that's only one. Honestly, I'm to lazy to start enumerating others ...

Well .. but in a movie - especially a SciFi - you can overlook some things that you can't explain. The problem is when pretty much everything else sucks. The direction is like a "Fast & Furious ... in space" (no joke, there is the same director as latest F&F actually). The editing and the camera work is horrible, as pretty much everything on the technical part for a ST in the year 2016. Tricky question: what's worse than a poorly used kinetic camera ... Answer: a poorly used kinetic camera in 3D.

Without other comments ...
Rating: 2 out of 5 (objectively ... subjectively: 1.5)

Now, beyond ST Beyond ... If you really like "Star Trek" my recommendation is to stay far from this one. Skip it. Go see Tarzan instead. Or something else. I don't know ...
If you've never watched a "Star Trek" until now, don't ruin your impression with Beyond. Incidentally, in a different context, I've recently written a summary of what's worth seeing out of the "cinema episodes". Any of the following is way beyond Beyond (in the positive direction)...

The old generation - Kirk & co.
  • ST II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) - I think this is old, but probably has the largest hardcore fan base. That's why it happens often to have any sort of references more or less obvious to this movie and key scenes in it. 
  • ST IV: The Voyage Home (1986) - Again, it's old, but it probably has the most funny subject: time travel to take a whale into the future when the species got extinct (no other spoilers); 
  • ST VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) - I've watched this very long ago and I don't remember much besides I liked it the most from what's in the "old generation" series + it's the one which "aged" the best being the most recent. 
The next generation - Picard & co.
  • ST VII: Generations (1994) - Nice for nostalgic people. Makes the transition between the old generations with a meeting between Picard and the old Kirk. Lots of people say this "episode" is not so good, but I think it's acceptable. The villain has a solid build, the movie has a bit of life philosophy, indeed it has some lengths, so not the best but overall works. 
  • ST VIII: First Contact (1996) - Must see. My #1. Borg + time travel + first alien contact for humanity = probably the best story of all.
  • ST X: Nemesis (2002) - Must see. I think it's the most underrated Star Trek. The critics unfairly bashed it. It has one of the best villains, the story's sufficiently original (including a side story) and is also probably the most alert in this series (= doesn't bore).
The new generation - Kirk & co.
  • ST XI: Star Trek (2009) - Must see. A return to the original crew with a very nice time travel story. Maybe a bit cheesy, but within decent limits. My #3.;
  • ST XII: Into Darkness (2013) - Must see. Probably the most "romantic" ST (referring to the current, not about romances) = strong revenge story, a different Khan is back = lots of references to ST II very cleverly inserted and probably the best soundtrack. My #2.

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