Despite the fact that this was the last week of a sort of "vacation" I didn't get to see more than the "The Bourne Legacy". And since I'm busy packing my luggages, I don't have the time to get into much detail. So, let's get to the point ...
In the sequel to Bourne, which does not have anything to do with the original series of books, we have a sort of "reboot". More exactly we find that the American government has another secret program to train agents (actually .. more programs to have place also for another reboot ..). And like this we start again with Jeremy Renner instead Matt Damon, pissed off badly when the agency leadership decides to shut down the bussiness and "fire" the employees. Without other spoilers, the result is a Bond-Terminator mix :) The last part might sound a bit weird, and when you see the movie also a bit SciFi, but I really think it's the part to appreciate. And this because it makes somehow the movie to be a bit different from the previous ones.
Overall I liked it. I wasn't very sure since Tony Gilroy (the rest of Bourne, "Michael Clayton", "Devil's Advocate" .. but also "State of Play", "Proof of Life") which is also the director here and besides the usual screenwriter job, alternates sometimes from good to bad quite easily (although in my opinion he is currently one of the best thriller screenwriters). With all the similarity with the previous movies (after all it's the same series), the result is a pretty good one in its genre. And I have to admit that I'm also a bit subjective and I prefer the Bourne universe to Bond. We'll see about Skyfall ;)
Rating: 4 out of 5
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