After I've seen at the beginning of the week "The Hunger Games" (exceptionally shown also in non-dubbed version in the cinemas around where I'm living) I've drawn two conclusions: 1. That the (accidental) decision to take advantage of Monday as a discount day in my canton of residence (if not in all the CH) was a fortunate one. 2. That I must watch another movie to not lose the time writing about something which even if it's not completely bad is far from deserving the money it got at box office. Well .. I didn't have the time to see anything else, but I'm still decided not to write above the mentioned one, so I ended up digging my memory to see what can I use as a blog subject. And like this I ended up with "Trolljegeren" (the Norwegian title) which I've seen somewhere in January, and which is not exactly a masterpiece but at least is a bit more original.
The Scandinavian production from two years ago, is an indie movie that gained some applause in a couple of festivals. Shortly put is a so called horror mockumentary ("Blair Witch", "Paranormal Activity", "Cloverfield", etc), genre that normally it's not exactly my favorite (with some exceptions - as "Rec"). Well, the horror part is quite light here (since I've already mentioned "Cloverfield" mai sus .. I guess it's comparable), and obviously involves .. trolls. In case it doesn't sound very familiar, we have to deal with a mythical creature (apparently specific to the Norwegian folklore), of big dimensions, which does not support the UV light (no, it doesn't originate from Transylvania and it doesn't have extra-legnth fangs), and feeds with any kind of meat and also with .. stones. More precise information about the species are offered in the movie. Which movie, as I was saying, follows the line of a presumed footage started by a group of young people who went into the rural Norway to investigate illegal bear hunting. And they get to discover an entire conspiracy of the government about the mentioned boulder eaters.
Well, one of the reasons for which I've chosen "TrollHunter" is also that I don't have much to write about it :P (it's late again & I'm busy as usual). As a main idea, as mentioned is not a masterpiece, the final is a bit .. "unfinished" (but I'm curious how many "horror mockumentary" don't have it like this) and even though the effects were ok iy can be observed that it's an indie budget behind. Still, it's clearly something to notice in this niche, and it's also entertaining with respect to other titles that keep changing the context but using the same recipe get a bit boring.
Rating: 3 out of 5
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