Sunday, March 11, 2012

Anonymous (2011)

Since I only have something like four hours of sleep in the last 24 and I'm writing in a work break, I'll get straight to the point. "Anonymous" is a movie that handles a somehow delicate subject = who actually wrote Shakespeare's plays ? And obviously the answer to the question is not Shakespeare but an earl from the respective time, Edward de Vere, the reason behind this being to stay anonymous, considering that such creative activities weren't seen very well by the "politic class" of the age.

The movie is made by Roland Emmerich, who confirms me a hunch that he still has some chances to save his soul from "the movie directors Hell" after catastrophes, more or less figuratively speaking, as "Godzilla", "10000 BC" or even "Independence Day". There were at some point anyway "Stargate" (the movie), "The Patriot" (even with all the cliches in it) and now "Anonymous". And this last one is also probably his best movie up to date.

You don't have to expect here something similar to the previous titles. The movie is quite slow, compared to any of the above. It could be compared actually with the more politically correct version historically speaking = "Shakespeare in Love". Still, in this case the action becomes a bit soapy on the final taking the speculations to a level which is a bit too far I guess (reason to gain the right to be considered by some a complete blasphemy not only regarding the literature history of England, but history itself). Despite all that is a movie deserving to be seen, at least for the role made by Rhys Ifans as lead character (first time when I see this guy in this position in a movie). And after all, if there is something like "The DaVinci Code" that can be watched in a relaxed note without taking it too seriously ( if you don't want that, obviously ;) ), why not ? It's just a movie :)

subjectively - 3 out of 5 (because to be honest I'm not very interested by the subject)
objectively - 4 out of 5 (because if you do a harsh evaluation is better than "The Patriot")

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